Revolutions eat their own children. Governments eat their own people!" Those are the very words of Siaya Senator James Orengo on the floor of the senate on the 19th day of July 2016 during the electoral laws debate. His sentiments were directed at the Jubilee legislators who were defending their party to their last. Over time, the truism of Orengo's allegation has become apparent beyond reasonable doubt. Let me tell you why. I will draw my analogy from George Orwell's allegorical novel-The Animal farm - in synopsis. Old Major, a senile pig of the Manor Farm in the suburbs of England, alleges to have had a very satirical yet important dream. Duly, he summons all the animals of the farm to a prompt meeting to narrate unto them the worthwhile vision and its claimed significance. All the animals thus assemble in the barn and ready themselves for Old Major's speech. Old Major sets the ball rolling by stating that for so long, man has mistreated them - the animals of th...