Life is so full of crap;seriously. There are days I wake up so full of zeal - days when I feel a little more stronger than than Tyga Power or John Cena or even Roman Reigns. On such days, I can effortlessly zoom a ball past De Gea (world's best goalkeeper) into the top corner of a goal net in the Old Trafford. Such are the days I feel like a man; a real man. Days when I pamper my ego and end up thinking that I can do seven shots under thirty minutes. (If you know you know). Man, those are the days I live for. But again, like the weird doctrines of nature dictate, there are other days which implore me to regret my very existence in this amazing yet trouble-filled world. Such are the days which become evident as early as 5 a.m - when you get up from bed and realise that you don't remember where you threw one sock before you slept the previous night. That aside. When you find the damn sock after ten minutes, you hurriedly rush to the dining hall for breakfast. There you will f...