The night had been fairly silent. The serenity was way beyond amazing; save for a few crickets which made incessant sounds all through as if they had nothing to do. Well, of course they didn't. Its not like they would just decide to make out on damp grass like we were doing. And anyway, it is for humanity that they were created; to make the dead nights such as those alive, at least. The sky was clear as well. No moon, no stars, no clouds;no nothing. Just the cool breeze and us; Amelia and I. Nobody was saying anything. Each of us was engrossed in separate thoughts - largely she though. Honestly, at that time, I was not thinking. (I never think when there's an aura of femininity close to me.) Maybe she was thinking of me; how shy I was or maybe how amazing I was. I didn't care about that. All that mattered then was that I had her by my side. Well, about the silence. Its not that we had nothing to talk about. Actually, we did. I had a lot to say to her, Amelia did as well...