The window seat is the best thing that has happened to me in highschool. From my vantage point in Four Beta, I have almost the entire Camp Laz in my view. The sunrise, the big juicy passing arses, the fountain one floor down, and best of all, the sunset; all within my view. I’m that guy in class who gets to decide when or not to open or shut the window. In this winter, I can decide to ruin a whole class’ morning power nap. [Assuming you get the whole idea of how important a power nap is to a highschooler.] I don’t do such though. I’ve got a reputation to keep. Nonetheless, the window seat gives me some sort of unexplainable dominion. It is another heaven for me; apart from winter of course. I love winter. So today I am at this spot, minding my own fucking business. Its 4 p.m. I’m a loner. There’s nobody to give me the damn closure or mollification that I’m in so hot pursuit of. Trial One exam is doing shit on me. I’m doing Chemistry tomorrow but look, here I am, writing some damn j...