I was watching a television interview the other day where Narok senator Hon Ledama Ole Kina was a guest together with NTV investigative journalist Kennedy Mureithi. They were hosted by Mark Masai on the Press Pass. They were debating on the contibution of media in conserving peace especially in our country Kenya which has not been spared the rod of sporadic violence majorly on the account of divisive politics. The media, needless to say, is a major stakeholder in the bandwagon that seeks to maintain peace in any jurisdiction all over the world. I say this on account of the fact that the media has the capability to be used to advance either extremes; peace promotion or havoc-creation. In 1914, during the World War 1, the media was actively used by the European governments as a vessel for the propagation of propaganda as a way of manipulating the public to alter their opinion regarding the war. World War 2 proponents like wise used the press to persuade the public to help in the wa...