She never wanted that life. She did not choose that life. Had she been granted the chance to, she could have told God to send her into the womb of some wealthy woman in one of the vast ranches of Texas from where she could have been raised like a normal kid, with all the lush of life she could ever think of. Bad thing she was not given one. All she could do was wish; as if wishing would change the contemporary. On the contrary, it made the situation at hand more tormentous; for it added unto her the yoke of envy. She envied every woman she saw. She thought that life had given them a wider grin than it had to her. As a matter of fact, she thought that with each sunset, the sun retired to connive all sorts of hardships there could possibly be so that as it rose from the East, each and every dawn, it cast them all unto her; like she was the world's bin for tribulations. And with the envy, there came an acrid loathe that prompted her to hate with passion. She hated everyone: Her p...