When I was still in highschool, I wanted to be done with that place as fast as I could. Maybe had there been a provision of skipping a form or two, I would not have thought twice about grabbing the damn chance. I wanted to get out of that place which I always considered shitty. I wanted to be done with the strict timelines. I wanted to be free; free from the imposing teachers, the time confines, the boring afternoon classes, the substandard from everything. I fancied the lifestyles of those who had come before me. The bushy hairs they kept, the long nails; with no police-teacher restricting me to some standards I considered overwhelmingly unnecessary. I wanted to be the village cock who crows with nothing to worry about. Damn right yeah, everybody wanted that. A life with no restrictions. Well, the national exams came. That was my very last hurdle to becoming the free man I had always dreamt of. I didn’t want to fail. No no no...My parents didn’t want me to fail. My pe...