I was born in the suburbs of Kisii town in the early 2000s. This was an era when everything urban(ish) was a phenomenon. It was the era when clothes were classified; za nyumbani na za kanisa or safari. 'Za nyumbani' were mostly the ruggish ones, faded out and with no classic looks. The latter however were most obviously the brandy ones your dad or mum occasionally got you when they traveled to Mombasa for some office business. She never let you put them on during the weekdays. She doesn't want you to soil them. She'd let you put them on during family photoshoots on Christmas though. Crazy life that was. Traveling was yet another rare occurrence. Okay, not the usual travel. The kind I was accustomed to in the days was the local commute from home to the market in the evenings to fetch some groceries. I'm not talking about that. Sometimes my dad had to travel to the capital for teacher business. Old man was ever busy in the days. In his heydays, he still is anyway. ...