"At first, you realise there's nothing, but then as time goes by, you realise there'll be nothing still." I haven't shared this blogpost to anyone out there just yet. So chances are high you're reading this out of mere curiosity or prior interest in my blog. This is not your every day story like I had promised, sorry! Disclaimer: THIS POST IS UNFIT FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH! Proceed reading with full knowledge of that. Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Do you at some point feel like all is lost? Well, most probably you've been in such a situation. Truth is, life has at one time shafted you beyond what you can handle. And it leaves you wondering whether it's worth living, well, you'd be or maybe not, to know that it isn't. I bet none of us glorifies the horrendous situations we often find ourselves in. And I know sometimes a a solution has popped up somewhere in your mind, but because of the societal opinions, you've always been too ...