MASHUJAA DAY CHRONICLES We're visiting Wamo Care Academy; A children's home in Kawangware area, Nairobi. We're under the ELP (Equity Leaders Program) banner. Time of arrival is 1050hrs, give or take a few minutes. We're welcomed by one of the few teachers(male) available. The kid's look in awe as we get in. Probably they haven't seen this huge a crowd in a while at their haven. Nonetheless, we walk in. A few murmurs here and there amongst us. This is a new environment. Personally, I don't know how to act. The few donations we brought along are placed at a corridor in one of the corners of the two storey building which the close to a hundred and fifty kids call home. A few of us squeeze into a first floor office, probably the headmaster's or director's. He gives us a brief overview of the institution and asks us to feel at home. My friend Sam and I proceed to be given a room by room walk by the head master. There's an acute desk shortage in the ...