1 In case you were still in doubt, allow me the latitude to state in no uncertain terms that yes, we truly are fucked! As a country, a nation, a sovereign state, we are deep in the trenches. June 18th heralded a series of next-gen protests that the status quo deep state has not experienced before in Kenya. We, the young people of this generation, went out to the streets, peaceably and unarmed, to protest against what I’d generalize as bad governance. Our tools of trade then, and still remain so, were a phone, a bottle of water and handkerchiefs/flags coupled with placards. The clarion call has been the same, albeit shrouded in different messages: time is nigh for the country to experience good governance under the rule of law. 2 Well, a section of the political class has often deliberately misconstrued that and interpreted it as a c all for constitutional reforms in their frail self-preservation efforts. Nothing could be further from the truth! All we ask for is that the ruling el...