My fellow countrymen, I seek to take you down memory lane to such a period in the preceding year. I wish to evoke the grim portraits that defined our nation just one year prior to today.
At such a time yesteryear, we held elections. Elections that were characterized by anarchy, mayhem, unrest and loss of lives as well as property. And, normal as it may seem, people agonised. I, for a moment, reckon of a one baby Pendo. A harmless little infant without blemish of character. She was clobbered to her untimely demise by brutes whom we pride in calling peacekeepers. It was death by deliberate action. My learned friends would attribute that to murder.
Who on this cosmos had the slightest of ideas on what fate had destined for her? Maybe she was a designated esquire; the calibre of Orengo and Kilonzo. Or maybe, better still, she was an orator in the making; to the league of one outspoken Lumumba. The conjectures are many, but the denominator is synonymous. That Baby Pendo, as well as Geoffrey Mutinda, who was callously shot to death by the same brutes, were both robbed off a chance to shape their lives and determine their destinies. They lost it all in the hands of irate policemen.
One year down the trench, Kenyans have moved on. All that agony, all the pain, has sadly been rubbed off our backs. Each morn we go about our myriads of tasks with no single memory of the fallen, courtesy of our crudeness. Its like it never happened. By saying that, I dont at all insinuate that we should mourn every dawn to dusk. No, that's not it. As a matter of fact, I deem to premise on the necessity of pacification as a well enough tribute to these fallen heroes and heroines likewise.
Togethernesss, I opine, will be the most appeasing form of justice to the atrocities that were meted upon their families.
As we mark a year after the 'grand elections', let's keep in mind this; erudition has it that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The relevance of this, I hope, is in itself within us.
One year later, let's maintain the peace. Gratsi!

@oiraqaleb esq.


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