I still remember his face
How his nose was long and slender
How his eyes were small and shiny
And with little shapes in them
Like the beautiful pearls of the ocean.

I have not forgotten his long chin
With the small tuft of pricky beards
Or even his cherubic countenance
Which brought butterflies to the ladies stomachs.

I haven't forgotten a single bit about him
All about the clothes he loved
The music he cherished most
Or even how he loved his food;
Thoroughly peppered and in its unlimited abundance.

Its been almost a year since he left
But still, he lingers around
I see him everyday;
We wake up together, sit side by side,
Dine together and tell silent tales through dawn.

He is the same person I knew
With the same soft palms,
And long slender legs
One thing though;
He never speaks.

I see his lips move; quite often
He deems to speak;
But the sound never comes out
His face has become a harbour of sorrows
Unlike when he left

Each time our faces meet,
I see the pain in him.
I see the flames of anger that dance in his eyes
I see the longing of vengeance
Pulsating through his veins.

I see also the tears that follow
Almost as soon as the flames do
I see how they put out the flames
And how they tame the dragon in him

I see how he strives to speak
How he seeks to say unto me
Where the brutes of the world took him
I feel his pain.

But then he writes
For they who took him
Did not clip his fingers
And so he writes to me,everyday
Telling me not to cry, not to worry

"My father's son," he says,
"Justice shall be found,
For though I rest,
It is my last quest."

©oiraqaleb esq.


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